I realize that when you blog it is just supposed to be thoughts that are coming into your head, "as I see it" type commentary but I can't help but wonder how anyone would be able to follow my random thoughts leaping (pun intended) into my brain these days. Well here goes let's see who will give it a try.
We have just begun our second summer session and even though there are still roughly 5 weeks left before the school year begins it feels like the school year is already upon us. We (all the teachers at NECB) have had such a great time this summer seeing some new faces and working with so many talented students it always makes me a little sad to see this come to an end. I have heard so often over the past year how middle and high school students have such a hard time balancing their school commitments, work commitments and dance commitments. I hear so often how to be on the "elite" team or "A" team students have to take X amount of classes per week and participate in X amount of competitions etc etc and if they choose not to their dance experience is not nearly what it could be. Don't misunderstand what I am about to say-While I do think commitment is very important, vital even and competitions certainly provide positive experiences and knowledge students (and parents) can only commit to so much as a parent and the wife of a high school teacher I see this first hand. To say that a dancer HAS to take 20 (just a random crazy number) amount of hours of class or participate in 5 (again random) competitions I feel is just over the top. What ever happened to QUALITY over quantity? I believe so strongly that you can tailor each student's class schedule helping them achieve their goals and still keep the balance in their schedules. That being said it makes sense that of course a student who is wanting to pursue dance as their livelihood would clearly want and need a certain amount of training but I believe its all about your goals, how badly you want them and how hard you are willing to work for them - I love ballet and dance for this reason.....you can not be a lucky dancer not sustainably anyway. You can have a lucky day but in your career what you have you work for and work with! 1 class/3 classes/7 classes the number almost doesn't matter if the effort behind the numbers are not there.
The other day I walked into my living room to find my daughter watching Dance Moms on demand....I cringe. I can't understand the obsession with this show watching the Director and parents hash it out every week the caddy behavior between these mothers and the poor children who are being belittled, devastated by the "pyramid" assignments and constant comparison of each other. Teachers (and dance) are supposed to ignite passion and inspire people (young and old) Parents are supposed to foster and encourage their children's dreams does one need to win a gold medal to receive that? Does over working young muscles and packing their weekly schedule with X amount of classes achieve this?
It seems that this is not the popular view point but it is my point of view. I want so badly to have students achieve their goals, push themselves and feel good about their hard work WHILE STILL feeling the passion and being inspired I might be crazy but I think it can be done.
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