Last week I caught up with a friend at York Beach. I met this friend when I was 14 and 20+ years later she is still one of my dearest friends. I'm telling you this because where did I meet her.....DANCE of course. Although she now lives in Baltimore and the last time I actually saw her was in 1998 (Crazy!!) It's funny how some people in your life just fit whether it has been 10 days or 10 years. I am so grateful for meeting Kerry through dance and continuing our friendship through time.

This week I organized an "NECB BEACH DAY" I always think about my students and parents as extended family and I love the beach so who better to hang out at the beach with than your extended family? What a beautiful day we had. i loved seeing the kids bury each other in the sand, boogie board, and I particularly loved seeing the "older" girls playing with the little ones. My sisters and I always joke about our "village" references "It takes a village to raise a child" but on this day I truly felt like this could not be more true. In the studio I am an all business kind of teacher. I expect a huge amount from my students, I push them and tell them with kindness the way it is. But on days like these I am able to be more relaxed and put the "teacher/director" hat away and just enjoy and I see the same in the kids. In class they are in their work mode. They listen, they push and even have their guard up a little. At the beach they were care free, playful and very chatty! But the day did end in a bitter sweet way our beach day was the last day we would get to see Chelsey. Chelsey is a senior who is leaving for Indiana University this week where she will major in dance. I'm so excited and proud of her! What a great time! I am already looking forward to next summer's NECB BEACH DAY.

Check out more pictures on the NECB website
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